Once the smell kicks in, you would wish that it would be gone for good. But the thing is, unlike dirt and pet hair, you can’t simply wipe off odors. Hence, you need to go the extra mile to remove them totally from your space.
幸いなことに、これにはシンプルだが効果的な方法がある。 高品質空気清浄機.これらの消臭対策を実行しさえすれば、たとえ1週間も料理をした後でも、キッチンは快適な住まいの一部となるだろう!
Every time you prepare food, the raw scent of the ingredients is released into the air. At first, you’ll not notice them. But sooner or later, they would accumulate to become a pungent odor that you can’t ignore.
The dishes in the drain, the leftovers on the table, and the grease on the stove will eventually contribute to the foul smell in your kitchen’s air. At the same time, the garbage disposal also emanates its own smell, especially if you don’t chuck its content.
臭いを長引かせれば長引かせるほど、臭いを取り除くのは難しくなる。使用方法 AHAM認定空気清浄機 ひどい厨房の臭いに効くかもしれない。
Of course. The smell that emanates from the food that you cook is natural and should not be considered a threat. That’s pretty absurd. In fact, the scent of the food adds to its overall savoriness and flavor. After all, they said that the flavors your tongue can’t taste are being relished by your nose.
Some think that cooking fumes are harmless. While it is true in most cases, you shouldn’t take things too lightly.
粒子状物質 is the general term that includes various microscopic solid and liquid matters composed of various compounds. They are the very reason why you wouldn’t want to inhale the fumes coming from the exhaust of your car, as they can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms.
Does your kitchen smell? There’s a possibility that the following sources are the ones that emanate the pungent odor that your nose is picking.
It is also worth noting that food leftovers, gunk, and other residues that go into the disposal also cause unwanted smells. They would rot and produce an odorous scent. This problem is further aggravated if you put hot water into it or if you don’t run any water at all. If your ゴミ処理機はもう古いまた、ゴミの処理効率も低下する。
If the smell in your kitchen is quite akin to rotten food, then it is possible that the source is the sink’s trap. , the latter is either a U- or P-shaped pipe that sits under the sink basin. If the smell comes here, there’s a probability that it is already faulty or there is some stuff that has been trapped there.
Of course, there’s a big chance that the foul smell in your kitchen emanates from the countertop and stove. After all, these are the spots where food preparation takes place. They are often plagued with oil, grease, food scraps, and meat residues. If they are not cleaned immediately, they will rot and produce an unwanted scent.
You need to remove the after-scent of your cooking to ensure that your kitchen remains fresh. A smelly kitchen isn’t a good place to create your favorite delicacies. It simply ruins the “flavor” of your cooking.
Furthermore, it is essential that the smell would be dispersed as early as possible. Otherwise, removing it would be a lot more difficult. Odors tend to emanate for prolonged periods, especially if you are not going to take out their source. There’s also a possibility that the smell would spread to your entire house, making things more complicated and annoying.
キッチンの料理の臭いを消すには?この質問に対する最良の答えは 空気清浄機.
屋内の空気汚染は注意すべき問題である。例えば 世界保健機関屋内の大気汚染は屋外よりも深刻な影響を及ぼす。その理由は、密閉された空間における汚染物質の濃度にある。
Furthermore, there are numerous sources of pollutants that could breach your home. And some of them aren’t from outside; they are already inside your home, permeating various stuff that pollutes the air you breathe. For instance, food with strong scents can pollute your air with unwanted odor. It makes breathing your indoor air a lot difficult.
In fact, it is recommended that an air purifier should be present in kitchens. As long as this appliance is present in your cooking haven, you will never have to worry about food odors anymore. And the best part about this is that you don’ t need to run these air purifiers all the time. You’ll only be going to need them during and after making meals and delicacies.
Yes. Air purifiers are safe to use as they don’t generate harmful emissions. They only use filters to capture airborne contaminants, chemicals, and VOCs.
One thing that you need to be wary about, though, is these ozone generators. Ozone generators are variants of filter-based air purifiers. Instead of filters, they generate ozone to “neutralize” particles in the air.
そのコンセプトは崇高に思えるが、オゾンは肺を刺激するものであることを肝に銘じてほしい。このガス状化合物にさらされると 呼吸器疾患の引き金となる. Furthermore, there’s no study that proves that ozone generators are effective in removing indoor odor.
This filter doesn’t capture dirt and microscopic contaminants, such as how HEPA filters work. Instead, it implements the process of adsorption to capture the substances, compounds, and chemicals into its body. It is an essential procedure that helps remove odor in the air.
As mentioned, the process of removing indoor smell chiefly involves these carbon filters. Here’s the specific procedure on how food smell is being removed from the air.
- 空気清浄機はファンで空気を吸い込む。
- 吸気口を通過した空気は、フィルターを通過する。ほとんどの場合、まずプレフィルターを通過してからHEPAフィルターとカーボンフィルターに進みます。
- 空気がカーボンフィルターに到達すると、臭いの原因となる物質はすべてその多孔質表面に捕捉される。
- 空気は装置から出て、再び室内に拡散する。
It doesn’t require too much time before the air purifier can remove the pungent smell in your air . Of course, this matter also depends on the quality of your air purifier. Keep in mind that not all air purifiers are the same. Hence, some can produce better effects than others.
- 部屋の広さ – Before you buy an air purifier, you need to identify the size of your kitchen first. As much as possible, the air purifier you get should be able to cover the square footage of your kitchen. For instance, if the area has a size of 200 square feet, the air purifier you need must have an effective range of at least 200 square feet. The bigger the coverage, the better.
- ファンの質 – The air purifier you should get must possess an optimal airflow. In this way, it can capture air efficiently–not missing a spot. At the same time, the air purifier should have a powerful fan that evenly distributes the air it cleans throughout the room.
- 活性炭フィルター – It is essential that the air purifier has this type of filter. Without this filter, odor removal is quite impossible. Activated carbon filters vary in size and form. So you should pick an air purifier that offers guaranteed protection against VOCs, chemicals, and gaseous substances. Most of the time, they are the ones that generate odor.
- HEPAフィルター – It would also matter if the air purifier you have has an effective HEPA filter. After all, cooking produces particles that could trigger your allergies and other respiratory illnesses. Only HEPA filters can capture these particulates, as they are microscopic in size.
カバレッジ | フィルターの種類 | |
ヒソエア・モデルHA-1968 | 1,937平方フィート | HEPAフィルター、活性炭フィルター、プレフィルター、UVCライト |
ヒソエア モデルHA-1601 | 1011平方フィート | HEPAフィルター、活性炭フィルター、プレフィルター、UVCライト |
ヒソエア モデルHA-W400 | 538平方フィート | HEPAフィルター、活性炭フィルター、プレフィルター、UVCライト |
1. ヒソエア・モデルHA-1968
To get rid of the cooking smell in your kitchen, you might need to invest in the HisoAir Model HA-1968. This particular air purifier is quite efficient when it comes to dealing with smells caused by food, chemicals, and other substances. It is due to the presence of an innovative carbon filter in its system. The said filter traps the odor-causing elements, ensuring that they won’t bother you at all.
At the same time, the HisoAir Model HA-1968 is designed to work in large spaces. It can cover areas up to 1,900 square feet, which indicates that it can do whole-house indoor air purification. It has rugged and effective filters, as well. Its HEPA filter, for instance, is quite effective against bacterial and viral threats. It’s one reason why this air purifier is used in commercial and industrial settings.
プロス | CONS |
2. ヒソエア モデルHA-1601
プロス | CONS |
3. ヒソエア モデルHA-W400
プロス | CONS |
Put lemons on your garbage disposal – Most of the time, the smell in your kitchen comes from the garbage bin. After all, this is where you put all the unwanted stuff. This mixture would eventually generate a smell. To prevent this from happening, slice lemon rinds and put them in the disposal garbage. They can help reduce the funky odor emanating there. Citric acid is effective in breaking grease and gunk.
- スポンジを乾かす – Seriously, wet sponges can be pretty annoying, especially since they are susceptible to getting stinky. Once bacteria grow in your sponges, a foul odor will start to emit. You can prevent this from happening by squeezing them after use. At the same time, you should store them in an area with good airflow for natural drying.
- 蒸し – This trick is efficient in preventing post-cooking odor. After you prepare something that is pungent, bring a saucepan to your stove and fill it with at least a cup of water. Mix it with three tablespoons of white vinegar. Boil the mixture for several minutes until steam comes out. The steam that includes vinegar is effective in neutralizing foul smells.
- 換気扇を使う – Of course, an exhaust fan is the most immediate means of preventing kitchen smell. Every time you are cooking, make sure that it is running. It would expel smoke and prevent odor from permeating. In this way, your kitchen maintains clean, breathable air.
You can also open the windows in other parts of your house if the smell reaches there. But make sure that there’s a limit to how long you are going to open the windows. You can have them open for 30 minutes at most. In this way , you’ll not be inviting outdoor contaminants, such as pollens, molds, and vehicular combustion.
For instance, wash the splatters that are stuck on the countertop and stoves. Don’t forget to wash the cooking pans, especially if they gather excessive residues like grease.
Don’t delay the cleaning. If you wait overnight, the smell of the leftovers and kitchen mess will certainly emanate throughout your home! Also, you should not forget to remove the leftover food from the sink. Empty the garbage bin and make sure that you do proper disposal to prevent the smell!
Some smells can be pretty stubborn. That’s for certain. Fortunately, their removal isn’t impossible, and you don’t actually need to do anything drastic here.
を置いておけば、空気中の悪臭を中和することができる。 ボウルいっぱいの重曹と酢.臭いが強い場所にボウルを置く。例えば、キッチンのシンクから臭いがしているのであれば、その近くにボウルを置きます。
Having a smelly kitchen can be an excuse to be a coffee lover. It sounds ridiculous, right? But you see, there’s a science behind it.
ここに挙げた解決策の中で、空気清浄機が最も効果的だと考えられている。空気清浄機は、カーボンフィルターによって空気中の悪臭を効果的に吸収することができる。空気清浄機といえば、ヒソエアが信頼できるブランドだ。医療グレードの空気清浄機を製造するメーカーで、商業用および住宅用として使用されている。訪問 ヒソエア そして、その規定についての詳細をご覧ください。
- 猫アレルギーを自然に除去する5つの効果的な方法
- 雑草の臭いを消す:5つの効果的な方法
- 住宅のホルムアルデヒドを除去する方法:効果的な5つの簡単な方法